From Htown Music Wiki
Hamilton-based Julian White is a guitarist and vocalist for The Scones (2012-), multi-instrumentalist for Kitchenette (2017-), and bass player for Bitter Defeat (2018-). White, with The Scones and Kitchenette guitarist Greg Edwards, attended high school together at Northcote College, Auckland; the two formed a band together at the time called Limited Western Art, and later played together again while at university in Auckland in Yorkie the Bricklayer. Several songs by The Scones, including Weeds, Thompson is in Trouble and 'Ode to the Mountains were originally 'Yorkie' songs. He moved to Hamilton in 2007.
Published Interviews with Julian While
- The Perfect Things to have with your Devonshire Tea, Hamilton Underground Press, 1 April 2016, and HUPzine Issue 3, May 2016 [1]
- Sure to Rise, Hamilton Underground Press, 29 November 2016 [2]
- Greasy Meals and Contentious Tambourines, 24 October 2017 [3]